14 Febbraio 2015
di Marco Scalabrino
Certi palori sunnu duri
duri chiù di autri
a ncrucchittari.
Ntantu mi scòncicanu
mi cunnucinu manu manuzza
m’ammustranu mari
e munti
e universi trascinnenti
e poi
s’annacanu tutti e scialanu
si siddianu e l’aju a prijari.
E quannu nfini
comu iddi vonnu
n’attrappu un paru ...
s’ammùscianu di bottu
li curtigghiari
comu ddi veli
abbuturati di bunazza.
Unni è lu truccu allura
mi dumannu
e comu ponnu
e a cui fannu scantari
cristalli raciuppati nna li stiddi
minni amurusi di matri
trazzeri addumati di libirtà
tozzi di paci
di Marco Scalabrino
translated by Gaetano Cipolla
Certain words are hard
harder than others
to knit together.
Meanwhile they bother me
they lead me by the hand as a child
they show me oceans
and mountains
and transcendental universes
and then
they linger
they saunter showing off
they amuse themselves
they become restless and I have to beg them.
And finally when,
as is their will,
I have caught a few ...
they suddenly deflate
- flighty things they are! -
like sails in a sea of calm.
Where lies the trick,
I ask myself,
whom do they think they’re frightening
and how can they
crystals stolen from the stars
bountiful mothers’ breasts
country paths illumined by freedom
loaves of peace