Sala della LIBRERIA BINARIA per la conclusione del DYLANDAY 2024 GIAN LUCA FAVETTO per DYLAN THOMAS DARWIN PASTORIN: Le rivoluzioni mediatiche di Dylan Thomas e Umberto Saba. Maria Fiorenza Verde ricorda il suo incontro con AERONWY THOMAS a Torino nel...
Artist Lidia Chiarelli Lidia Chiarelli, an Italian artist and poet, carries a rich legacy that extends beyond her own impressive body of work. As the daughter of the renowned Guido Chiarelli, the ... Lidia Chiarelli, artista e poetessa italiana, porta...
My poem- A whisper Whistling through my lips, The tender thoughts Softly sliding out, As though the teasing breeze Escapes through petals pink Tickling, with a wink. ____________ La mia poesia... Un sussurro Da fischiettare tra le labbra, I teneri pensieri...
Lidia Chiarelli's digital collage from images in public domain (Good Free Photos) Amore paterno, desiderio paterno Tu lasci sempre che l'espressione dell'amore mostri un lato silenzioso, tu rendi il pezzo forte dell'uomo più simile al ferro. Non hai bisogno...
PORTRAITS OF DYLAN THOMAS on show at the exhibition of DYLAN THOMAS DAY IN TORINO - #Dylan Day "Dylan, light your fire" by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy (from an original photo by Nora Summers - courtesy of Jeff Town) "Dylan Thomas...
LONELINESS IN BLOOD by Anna Keiko Anna Keiko tackles emotionally charged themes in her collections of poems Loneliness on Blood. Touching universal topics such as love and separation, life and death, the beauty of nature, the transience of human things,...
Angelo Chiarelli (Castrofilippo 1874 - Torino 1936) Angelo Charelli, nato a Castrofilippo (Ag) nel 1874, ha occupato un ruolo significativo nel campo della Telegrafia distinguendosi come ufficiale postelegrafico prima a Caltanissetta poi - a partire dal...
我只需要树荫间漏下的一丁点儿光芒 不需要荆棘,不需要荨麻 不需要金龟子 三色堇和半枝莲,但也不需要一整座花园 压在单纯的心上 这不是玩笑话,也不是独门禅 这是最重要的秘密 最真诚的叮嘱 哦,我不需要假太阳,伪月亮 也不需要世界的一半 爱情的全部 我只需要,并乐于享受:树阴间 漏下来的,一丁点儿 光芒 Ho solo bisogno che la luce penetri attraverso le foglie Non ho bisogno di spine, non ho bisogno di...
Sinergie dei “Tramonti in una tazza” di Lidia Chiarelli Leggendo le poesie di Lidia Chiarelli dedicate a dodici poetesse e scrittrici inglesi e americane, composizioni scalate una per mese e distese sulla ideale fascia temporale di un anno, ci si trova...
I Chase, Always..... The bird hardly perches, The welcoming wave recedes, The breeze never halts, Can't catch the sunbeams. The fortnightly visitor silver, Behind the clouded skies Plays hide and seek. Empty-handed, Hope-ridden, Stretching my hand, I...
The Volta River, Ghana, coloured pencils and ink Helen Bar-Lev 2020 Paddle Paddle Paddle Your Raft Paddle paddle paddle your raft madly down the rapids harder harder faster faster stir up the mud stir up the sludge strike a boulder whoops - the raft’s...
SADNESS, digital collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy Khế Iêm SADNESS For Gina sadness stands on the other side of the street waving to me and I stand on this side of the street waving goodbye goodbye to sadness from now on we each part to our own ways in...
WE AND THE SKY We look at the sky in our isolated pages we look at the sky while tortoise warms itself under the sun. We look at the sky rather bearing our achievement or carrying exhaustions of being defeated. All those heaven words come from the sky...
Photograph by Elaine Whitman Look, but Leave Under the Coronavirus “Shelter in Place” edict, going on a walk is not only allowable, but encouraged. Our home always is stocked with goodness … good food, good music, good books. Still, added goodness is...
ABSENT TIME in the room without doors and windows a lonely time lives it covers itself with the blanket to its nose in the darkness so it could watch the advertisments for “all inclusive” poverty, the broken capillaries of the bulimia and the bank accounts...
ANILA BUKHARI - Pakistan " I will shine " A daughter with a vibrant face But a destiny that is not so actual Why do I always have to embrace A life that's full of gloom? I cry in my pillow every night When society hits me with its norms They tell me I...
Nigar Arif was born in Azerbaijan. Nigar Arif is a member of “Azerbaijan Writers’ Union”, “World Union of Young Turkish Writers”, “İnternational Writers’ Union in Kyrgyzstan”, “ Writers Union of Central Asia” and the “International Forum for Creativity...
Pick Up A Leaf Like Roll Up A Page When the first kindness appeared, Maybe there was no civilization, In the face of conventional natural laws, It seemed so stable. When the first civilization appeared, So did the arguments, Hierarchy and prejudice, Became...
Afternoon. We can already feel the flaming-hot breath of summer on our skin, even though the last days of spring are still with us. On the suri, under an elm, mum is quilting a duvet. Snowy is dozing in the shade of the house, tongue hanging out. Dad...
Secret Pain I stand with them, crying silently. Husbands return to their parents' homes, Without a warm welcome, only ridicule, cold. Why is this happening, my land, all over the world? Why husbands forbid their wives, they refuse A chance to see your...
Disattiva per: inglese Event Report Rhythm Divine Poets celebrated the International Dylan Thomas Day, or Dylan Day as it is commonly referred to, in India for the first time this year. The event, which took place in the historical city of Kolkata, was...
夢裡,彩虹不睡眠 時間流逝 盡量保持相同長度的網格 這樣的寧靜與愛因斯坦的認知不矛盾 山陵觸及日落 寒冷的紅熱 當第一光被遮掩 驅使著遙遠的彩色雲霧 不斷下來毛毛雨 穿透窗戶頂角的燈光 拉伸不同的折射角 彩虹如一座拱橋 叫彩龍敲響 我從來沒有關過的窗 坐在龍的背鰭上 緊身鱗片保護我免受痛苦 剪影像閃電一樣翱翔到天空中 突然之間突然出現在彩虹的頂端 順利 如牛頓的理想世界找不到摩擦 只有那絲細的絲綢服裝 哪一個 盡一切努力在空中呼喊 身形不再加速下降 終端速度已達 表面終將分離 當我落在雲底的時候...
Monet Experience Bordighera, Giardino di Villa Pompeo Mariani J’ai peint aujourd’hui au son de la musique: Bordighera était en fête…et les échos m’arrivaient sous les palmiers. Claude Monet Bordighera, 26 février 1884 Armonie di luci e colori che un tempo...
L'inizio del Movimento IMMAGINE & POESIA alla scuola media Giuseppe Perotti di Torino PREMIO LABEL EUROPEO 2003 alla scuola media Perotti di Torino