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COOKIE POLICY - PRIVACY POLICY by IUBENDA Questo sito utilizza cookie per funzioni proprie. Se non acconsenti all'uso dei cookie ti preghiamo di abbandonare il sito.Se continui nella navigazione o clicchi su un elemento della pagina accetti il loro utilizzo. Our website uses cookies. If you do not consent to the use of these cookies please leave this website. Scrolling this page or clicking on any of its elements you will consent to the use of cookie. Politique de confidentialité de immagine.poesia.over-blog.it/ Pour recevoir des informations sur les Données personnelles, les objectifs et les parties avec qui elles sont partagées, veuillez contacter le Propriétaire. Si vous désirez recevoir de plus amples informations et souhaitez vous renseignez sur vos droits, vous pouvez aussi consulter la version complète de cette Politique de Confidentialité en cliquant sur le lien au bas de cette page. Coordonnées Propriétaire et Responsable du traitement Lidia Chiarelli, Torino Courriel de contact du Propriétaire : immagine.poesia@gmail.com Dernière mise à jour : 31 mai 2018 iubenda héberge le présent contenu et ne collecte que les Données personnelles strictement nécessaires à sa fourniture Voir la Politique de confidentialité complète Politique de Confidentialité générée avec iubenda Immagine & Poesia is the international artistic literary movement founded in Torino, Italy, in 2007, under the Patronage of the late Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan Thomas.The Movement is open to artists, poets and music composers who want to experiment moments of “Cross Fertilization”.Since its inception, Immagine & Poesia has continued to grow. Hundreds of poets and artists from all over the world have participated, and the movement now reaches international audiences.

STAIRWAY -for Hiroto Emi, painter - poem by Tian Yuan, China



    ---for Hiroto Emi, painter



Sunlight chases away the darkness of a stairway

I sense the floodtide of time

Pouring down the staircase

Engulfing a silent space


A hand holds a brush

As if wielding a beam of light

Out of darkness restoring a stairway

Turning cubical facts to planar abstractions


I am moved by reflection of sunlight

On the stairway. How like a cloud 

Of sunlit motes is our life?

Shifting along with a beam, a vanishing figment

Then rising with the sun's rays to show itself again


A stairway is an orderly system, a set of laws

Concealing deep secrets in its philosophy

A stairway is a kind of silence

Bearing the weight of darkness and solitude


A stairway is replete with structure and texture

Such as gradient, width, material of wood or cement

But it carries out a single duty

Upward: to shorten your distance from the sun

Downward: you walk onto broad ground, toward the horizon


A stairway is a backup device

On nights of power outage, we have to proceed carefully

Climbing as best we may, feeling our way with footsteps

A stairway can also be a chair—there are times

It offers a seat to rest on, or nurse silent anger


We often ignore the existence of stairs

In fact, there is a stair in each person’s heart

It often puts us to the test:

Will we be able to go up; will we be able to come down?


 Tian Yuan

Mr.Tian Yuan profile

Born in 1965 in Henan Province in China. Earned his doctorate in Japanese Literature from Ritsumeikan University. Currently teaches at Josai International University. His main publications in include the Chinese volumes Selected Poems of Tian Yuan and A Snake in Dreams.


Introduction of the painter


Hiroto Emi (1981-), painter/artist 

Currently based in Tokyo, Japan

“The stairs” is owned by Hoki museum


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