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"Loneliness in blood" by Anna Keiko (China). Preface by Lidia Chiarelli

"Loneliness in blood" by Anna Keiko (China). Preface by Lidia Chiarelli
"Loneliness in blood" by Anna Keiko (China). Preface by Lidia Chiarelli


by Anna Keiko


Anna Keiko tackles emotionally charged themes in her collections of poems Loneliness on Blood.

Touching universal topics such as love and separation, life and death, the beauty of nature, the transience of human things, Anna accompanies us on a journey where we have the opportunity not only to taste the beauty of life, but also to meditate on the negative aspects that may arise in the history of humanity.

Light is one of the favorite subjects in Anna's poems, a need for light that makes her say


If the world is my sanctuary

Give me a window

And let the light in


light that sometimes she can hardly perceive


Although the sun has risen

And chased away the night

I’m still waiting for the light


Anna deals also with topical issues such as the sudden spread of the global pandemic in early 2020


The unpredictable occurred, the coronavirus,

A storm that could last long,

Is destroying sprouting branches, flowers

Fear is everywhere

Death is close to anyone


Or in Watching TV she makes us think on the negative effects of man's actions that can upset the harmony in our world

Guns, explosives, drugs, chemical weapons,

All combatting with human kindness


There are also travel memories, particularly of Greece, for ex. in The Acropolis of Athens


Athena and Poseidon create lies of power in the cold of winter.

Does the wind awake the Acropolis

or does the Acropolis cover the golden light?


But it is to her land that Anna dedicates a poem that is a real declaration of love: I love this land


I love my own country,

Not how strong its future will be,

But that it lets me know how wise its past is.


I love this city.

Not that it is changing with each passing day,

 But that I can see it thrive with my own eyes


To her beloved,  Anna addresses many poetic reflections, poems where love is often associated with the beauty of nature, for ex. in Dawn of Hope


Like the moon ascending at night,

so you are, my love.

Whatever happens, wherever you are,

I keep you in my heart.

Since I am in love with you, my world has changed,

for two hearts found a home of tenderness.





or in Love



If you are the boat,

I wish to be water.

 If you are water,

I wish to be the shore.

 If you are the shore,

I wish to be the bridge…


But it is soon at the beginning that Anna leads us to reflect on the transience of life when she warns us that all things are transitory


Everything dies as you rush to every instant


Loneliness in Blood is a collection of poems by a writer with a kind and sensitive soul:

so let Anna Keiko guide us on this journey into her poetic world and she will certainly be able to arouse deep emotions in us.



                     Lidia Chiarelli

 President of the Art-Literary Movement IMMAGINE & POESIA - Italy

"Loneliness in blood" by Anna Keiko (China). Preface by Lidia Chiarelli

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