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"THE REVERIE-FORBIDDEN FRUIT AND THE WORLD OF WORDS" by Tram Phuc Khac, translated by Tran Vu Lien Tam-Vietnam

"WORLD OF WORDS" Digital Collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy

"WORLD OF WORDS" Digital Collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy





By Tram Phuc Khac, translated by Tran Vu Lien Tam.

(To Nguyen Luong Vy, Le Giang Tran, Trinh Y Thu, Khe Iem, and Phan Tan Hai)


The world which we are living in is a world of words. Words made our world. We’re living in a world which is becoming wordier.

If there are no words, then what? Would there be a world?

Adam did not really speak any words to Eve.

Until Eve met the Serpent, then it was just because of the luring words of the Serpent that Eve took a bite of the Reverie-Forbidden Fruit. And also just because of the luring words of Eve that Adam took a bite of the left-over part of that Reverie-Forbidden Fruit. 

This is the tree of Knowledge. The fruit of such the tree of Knowledge in the garden next to the river of Life, there are two parts. One is the Forbidden Fruit; the other is the Reverie. Eve knowingly or unknowingly ate the half-side of the Forbidden Fruit. She is the embodiment of the Forbidden Fruit. And the other half, the Reverie side, she saved just to give to Adam.

Thus, words are both, the Forbidden Fruit and the Reverie. Words are this world of ours, the world of dramas, half Forbidden Fruit, half Reverie, not to be separated, and words cannot be any other way. Since there were words, then there must be wishes, dates, pledges, promises, and thus there are dramas.

The Forbidden Fruits are spoken words, seductive and soul-hunted. And the Reveries are unspoken words, but those are repetitive words which go further back in the subconscious mind and become the repository of ideas, thoughts and creativities. 

Thus, our world of Words, the double-crossed world, a dichotomy, from the beginning already bears a drama status. And because of bearing a drama status, the role of Life is thus reenacted within each second. This each second is the ending-point of being, continued by the being-point of ending, no matter how great the Knowledge is, that such role of Life is never resting.

And the Drama started like that, the Drama which creates our life, from the beginning of Words.

Then where is the separation of Words and No-Words? A world within the Outside of Words, where Adam had never spoken any words to Eve - how can we get there?

The truth is that our world of Words is only a sand speck in the immense universe, which has always been wordless. This is a universe of a world within the Outside of Words, which we have always belonged to. But this world converse with us only in a wordless language, the language which we typically forget to interact with because, for a very long time, we have become lazy and alienated, and perhaps, we have already forgotten that we also own another world, where Adam never spoke any words to Eve.

Imagine, a writer finds a poem, like a painter finds a painting, like a composer finds a chord. That is, a poem which is yet being written, a painting being painted, a chord being arranged. Or which is a poem, a painting, a chord which is lost, continuously lost in the drama of the dichotomy of creativity. Despite, on the other side of the Knowledge garden, there has always been another world, a world-less world, an extremity world, with a wordless poem, a colorless painting, a silent chord, and, in such a world, no dates are needed because no dramas exist.

Come back to Words. Sounds and thoughts went through so many changing filters, concluded with language and created Words. Words are the bridge of human thoughts. And written words came last, stored and passed down to succeeding generations, the life treasure of human civilization.

Each poem is a world of Words. Each piece of writing is a world of Words. Each chord is a world of Words. Each painting is a world of Words. Each only exists through Words. And Words, like the most passionate kiss in life, half the Forbidden Fruit, half the Reverie, from forever, already created the captivating drama for our lives.


Tram Phuc Khac, translated by Tran Vu Lien Tam


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