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lidia chiarelli

20/12/2020 Da Overblog

Lidia Chiarelli: Menzione d'Onore e Certificato di Merito (Premi: Argentario e La Città della Rosa)

Premio Argentario 2020 - Menzione d'Onore La Città della Rosa 2020 - Certificato di Merito

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05/12/2020 Da Overblog

"I Chase, always" poem by Amita Sanghvi, Oman. Painting by Gianpiero Actis, Italy

I Chase, Always..... The bird hardly perches, The welcoming wave recedes, The breeze never halts, Can't catch the...

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23/11/2020 Da Overblog

"My Poem" by Amita Sanghvi, Muscat. Italian Translation and Art by Lidia Chiarelli

My poem- A whisper Whistling through my lips, The tender thoughts Softly sliding out, As though the teasing breeze...

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18/11/2020 Da Overblog

"Absent Time" poem by Daniela Andonovska-Trajkovska, Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia. Italian Translation by Lidia Chiarelli

ABSENT TIME in the room without doors and windows a lonely time lives it covers itself with the blanket to its...

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17/11/2020 Da Overblog

"We and the sky" poem by মাসুদুল হক (Masudul Hoq), Bangladesh. Italian translation and art by Lidia Chiarelli

WE AND THE SKY We look at the sky in our isolated pages we look at the sky while tortoise warms itself under the...

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21/10/2020 Da Overblog

Primo Premio (Silloge di Poesie) per Lidia Chiarelli a Sanremo - Concorso "I Colori dell'Anima"

Lidia Chiarelli ha ricevuto il Primo Premio per la sezione C (Silloge di Poesie) al Concorso I COLORI DELL'ANIMA-...

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19/09/2020 Da Overblog

"Paddle Paddle Paddle Your Raft" poem by Helen Bar-Lev, Israel

The Volta River, Ghana, coloured pencils and ink Helen Bar-Lev 2020 Paddle Paddle Paddle Your Raft Paddle paddle...

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10/09/2020 Da Overblog

"THE REVERIE-FORBIDDEN FRUIT AND THE WORLD OF WORDS" by Tram Phuc Khac, translated by Tran Vu Lien Tam-Vietnam


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17/07/2020 Da Overblog

SADNESS, for Gina, poem by Khế Iêm (Vietnam). Digital Art and translation in Italian by Lidia Chiarelli (Italy)

SADNESS, digital collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy Khế Iêm SADNESS For Gina sadness stands on the other side of...

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29/06/2020 Da Overblog

"BOUQUET OF ROSES" haiku by Maki Starfield. Translated in Italian by Lidia Chiarelli. Review by Postremo Vate.

Eros, Feeling and Poetry in Maki Starfield's Haiku Meeting the delicate and passionate soul of a poetess is always...

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