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Blog di immagine.poesia.over-blog.it

COOKIE POLICY - PRIVACY POLICY by IUBENDA Questo sito utilizza cookie per funzioni proprie. Se non acconsenti all'uso dei cookie ti preghiamo di abbandonare il sito.Se continui nella navigazione o clicchi su un elemento della pagina accetti il loro utilizzo. Our website uses cookies. If you do not consent to the use of these cookies please leave this website. Scrolling this page or clicking on any of its elements you will consent to the use of cookie. Politique de confidentialité de immagine.poesia.over-blog.it/ Pour recevoir des informations sur les Données personnelles, les objectifs et les parties avec qui elles sont partagées, veuillez contacter le Propriétaire. Si vous désirez recevoir de plus amples informations et souhaitez vous renseignez sur vos droits, vous pouvez aussi consulter la version complète de cette Politique de Confidentialité en cliquant sur le lien au bas de cette page. Coordonnées Propriétaire et Responsable du traitement Lidia Chiarelli, Torino Courriel de contact du Propriétaire : immagine.poesia@gmail.com Dernière mise à jour : 31 mai 2018 iubenda héberge le présent contenu et ne collecte que les Données personnelles strictement nécessaires à sa fourniture Voir la Politique de confidentialité complète Politique de Confidentialité générée avec iubenda Immagine & Poesia is the international artistic literary movement founded in Torino, Italy, in 2007, under the Patronage of the late Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan Thomas.The Movement is open to artists, poets and music composers who want to experiment moments of “Cross Fertilization”.Since its inception, Immagine & Poesia has continued to grow. Hundreds of poets and artists from all over the world have participated, and the movement now reaches international audiences.

15/10/2022 Da Overblog

THE POWER OF WORDS poetry collection by Binod Dawadi, Nepal - Critical Review

Critical beauty of words: THE POWER OF WORDS poetry collection I am thrilled to have read "The Power of Words,"...

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02/10/2022 Da Overblog

"I COLORI DELL'ANIMA" - The 10th International Prize of Unpublished Poetry

RULES IN ENGLISH The 10th International Prize of Unpublished Poetry: "THE COLORS OF THE SOUL https://www.concorsiletterari.net/bandi/10-premio-internazionale-i-colori-dellanima/...

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14/09/2022 Da Overblog

Due poesie di Francisco Azuela, poeta messicano: "Alla Madre Assente" e "Un Nuovo Canto alla Vita"

Francisco Azuela ALLA MADRE ASSENTE *Francisco Azuela (México, 1948) Quasi tutta la mia vita ho camminato da solo...

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04/09/2022 Da Overblog

"A Girl from Town" by Guzaloy SALIH, Uzbekistan

Afternoon. We can already feel the flaming-hot breath of summer on our skin, even though the last days of spring...

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27/06/2022 Da Overblog

Maria Mistroti (Greece): Selected Poems

Wind and Navigator ''We sat down and the wind and the helms man made straight the course'' [ Odyssey, l, verse...

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26/06/2022 Da Overblog

"Petrichor" short story by Jumanazar Yuldash, Uzbekistan

PETRICHOR ‘I beg you, please never leave me alone…’ He unintentionally whispered as he held his wife’s hands both...

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19/06/2022 Da Overblog

Fatherly Love, Fatherly Wish, poem by 田宇 JAMES TIAN, China. Art and Italian Translation by Lidia Chiarelli

Lidia Chiarelli's digital collage from images in public domain (Good Free Photos) Amore paterno, desiderio paterno...

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17/05/2022 Da Overblog

International Literary Festival of Uzbekistan- spring 2022

Lidia Chiarelli, guest at International Literary Festival of Uzbekistan The International Literary Festival of...

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11/05/2022 Da Overblog

"NO SOUL CAN BE BOUND" poem by 田宇 (James Tian), Italian Translation and artwork by Lidia Chiarelli

"THE RAINBOW MAN" digital collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy 田宇 No Soul Can Be Bound Running or walking, Gonna follow...

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